Thursday, 25 April 2013

Junior Sewing: Striped Skirt, Rollerskate Dress

My daughter made an elastic waisted skirt - with help to finish it - using some old fabric that was left over from a dress my mum made me as a child. I love this fabric, and am chuffed to see it made into something for another person to love.

And I made her an Oliver + S dress (the roller skate dress) which she initially claimed to hate but which became acceptable enough to wear today. Apparently dresses for big girls should have a fitted bodice and this shape is too young!  Anyway, I think it's a good fit, and I really liked the pattern (my first Oliver + S) - the fabric (quilting fabric) is not doing anything for me though and is hard to photograph.

One fabric for the bodice, another for the skirt, and a hot pink cotton full lining that you can barely spy at the top. And just one button; a perfect use for an orphan.

I finished some grownup sewing on the weekend too; a cosy yet elegant Donna Karan jacket! I am loving it to bits, but as usual struggling to get decent photos - and getting really bored with pics against the brickwork on the side balcony. I'll post as soon as I can get my act together! 

1 comment:

  1. Your daughters skirt is very colourful and well done to her for her efforts. It is nice when daughters take an active interest in crafting.

    Your dress for her looks very practical for an active little girl. It is funny that she has her own ideas about what a grown up girl should be wearing. She may change her mind when she realises that form does not always match function.


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